7 Inspiring Content Marketing Examples to Get Results - Technical Crunch

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Saturday, August 8, 2020

7 Inspiring Content Marketing Examples to Get Results

Content marketing is one of the most powerful tactics that there is right now to drive growth for your business online. There are plenty of examples of people and companies who have built multi-million dollar brands off the back of a solid content strategy.
But it is easy to get stuck in a rut and feel like your efforts aren't getting you anywhere. For those who put together a solid growth engine that is hinged around content marketing, they become an unstoppable force. 
But it takes focus, determination, and continued refinement to get to that stage. Most of the content-powered giants who you see online will have had periods of slow growth, and maybe even felt like giving up in the early days, but their perseverance paid off.
In this guide, we are going to share some of the most inspiring content marketing examples out there to help you to focus your own strategy, see what is working and elevate your brand to the next level. 
Specifically, we're going to share:

What is Content Marketing?

But before we take a deep dive into inspirational examples of content marketing success, just what is content marketing?
According to the Content Marketing Institute:
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
Based on this, it is correct to claim that content marketing means different things to different businesses, and what works for one brand will not necessarily be able to be replicated for another.
The commonality is that great content can produce great results, and understanding what other people are doing is such an important part of producing better campaigns and getting better results. In fact, it is safe to say that every content marketer should set aside time each week to follow what other people are doing. Need help finding content that ranks? The SEMrush Content Marketing Platform can help you build a solid content marketing strategy. 

The Rise of Content Marketing 

The reality is that, as consumers, we are becoming immune to traditional advertising and want more from the brands who we spend our hard-earned money with. We want to be entertained, educated, or informed by a brand's content. Plus, the rise of social media has had its part to play in this continued growth.
Quite simply, content marketing is a bigger deal than it ever has been. As a marketer, you cannot ignore it. Creating and distributing great content can rapidly elevate your business to the next level, and taking the time to learn what has worked for others can help you to drive even greater success from your own.

7 Great Content Marketing Examples That You Need to See

When it comes to finding inspiration for your next content marketing campaign, it is often hard to know where to turn. Since there is so much content that is produced and launched, you need to find the right content marketing examples that match you and your business needs.
Content marketing tactics can cover a whole host of different types of content, with formats intended to:
  • Rank on the search engines and increase organic traffic
  • Earn links
  • Drive social engagement
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Collect email sign-ups
  • Help push website visitors through the sales funnel
  • Educate an audience
But there are so many brands using content marketing to accelerate their growth and are capitalizing on having a solid strategy. Below, we are sharing 7 examples of brands that are using content marketing to achieve one or more of their business goals, and we will talk through what is so great about these pieces and what makes them stand out from the crowd. 

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